Serenade Ensemble: Greek & Turkish Songs

Serenade Ensemble: Greek & Turkish Songs

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Serenade Ensemble was born at Codarts University Rotterdam,
where all musicians met during their studies.

Serenade Ensemble experiments with the music colours of the Aegean Sea, taking a deep dive from both coasts.

Turkish and Greek culture share songs, dances, emotions and images.

Each of the musician contributes a unique passion,
color and touch to the sound the Ensemble.

Serenade Ensemble attempts to present all elements on stage,
sharing the common musical background of these countries.

Serenade Ensemble are:

Duygu Alkan(voice),
Vanessa Kourtesi(voice),
Andrianna Petala(ney),
Dimitra Metzaki(ud)
Nick Avgoustidis(ud).

Burak Savas will join for this concert with violin and voice.

Art Base, Saturday 7/3/20 20h, 12,50E ( reduced 7E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to


Date And Time

2020-03-07 @ 20:00 to
2020-03-07 @ 23:00

Event Category

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