• 06/01/2021
  • Christina

Fieldlab was a joint project between the events industry and government ministries who organised  24 events attended by around 60,000 people. Each participant presented a negative test before gaining admission to the event. 

Events included conference, spots, small festivals and the Eurovision Song Contest. 

As the risk level in the Netherlands in still classed as ‘extremely serious’, it is not currently advisable to have large scale events but Fieldlab have concluded from their research that seated events at a 50% capacity can go ahead safely. 

Visitors have been prepared to cooperate with the testing procedure and the infrastructure for testing is well organised. So, according to Fieldlab, there is nothing stopping a summer filled with events. 

It is up to the cabinet to decide what to do with these results and some have dismissed these experiments as unreliable because the number of positive cases after the event was not recoded. 

The government is not expected to make any changes until the fourth stage of the relaxation of rules comes into place at the end of June. 

From the 5th June, theatres and cinemas will be allowed to reopen for limited numbers of visitors with social distancing in place. 


Source: DutchNews.nl 

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